Monday 21 March 2011

Time Table

With the utter failure of shotgun, Jared has turned round and announced that we can use other means to show a timetable and established a sort of time and project management.
I only have two weeks left of this project, hence the scope of the table. On the upside it gives me the opportunity to show each day in detail. On the downside I can't make an accurate graph to show any improvment.

I have already done most of the work for the tutorial and have split the remaining project into manageable parts for the coming week. I've taken note of what days I have meeting or I am too busy to spend at college.

updated on the 21,3,2011

updated on the 25,3,2011

I will update the post with a new timetable underneath at the end of the week if or when I make changes for comparison.

p.s. Why did I put 'dinner' in one of the slots? Do people really need to know that?
i have now made a pipeline showing what order of subject i spent my time working on. as each part of my work was done i added it strait into my blog

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