Now that we have the images we are going to need, cut each of them out.
I had made video tutorial by recording my screeen and commentating over it as I went.
Go into photoshop and open the scanned image of your storyboard.
This is about the third try to upload the video. The first one didn't have sound, the second wasn't hd and the third seemed ok, so yeah. :D
Here is a list of what I have done - in case you didn't realise what I did.
Open Photoshop;
Scan in images and open in Photoshop;
Find the sizes of the panels you need by first saving the first page a second time as panel one, then crop 'til the canvas fits the first panel.
Save, then scroll the page over to the left 'til the second panel is where the first panel was, then resave as panel two.
Continue 'til each panel is split up in its own file.
Open the new files and add a blank background. Cut out the figure from the background by first going over it with the eraser tool and then the remainder of the background with the wand tool.
After you have cleared the background, trim the image by going to image/trim. This will bring the border right up to the figure. If it dosn't, then add in a stroke to reveal any missed sections.
Clear them, then retrim.
The character is now cut out. Save as a png so you keep the background trasparent and move on to the next post for more instructions.
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